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Cen2ral News

Soccer 2 Sports provides consulting services and short clinics to further enhance the development of coaches, players teachers and students. Please find the packages below on view the link provided for detailed descriptions. 


To register interest for any of the packages below, please contact:


Ernie Luongo

0411 262 801


For all ages and levels of coaching experiences. Coaches from around the world and in Australia continue to benefit from collaborative learning through sharing technical and tactical approaches to expand their personal football knowledge. 


Details of Consulting Services

A “one 2 one” personal portfolio is an adventure with a long or short term history of your development that is current for club, school, or any organisation. This personal portfolio will be a private documentation with the player, to revise and evaluate his/her own performance levels at training and games.


Details of Personal Coaching

A fun holiday program that involves all ages and abilities (Indoor Gym and Outdoor) skills sessions with a combination of Tournament games that involves all players registered individually or as a team group. Come and learn new skills and refine those you already possess. Put your ability to the test in a futsal training and competition. 


Details of Holiday Program

In January, soccer workshops are going to take place during a 2 week block for those players who would like to further enhance their preparations for the upcoming season.


This program will emphasize skill development and game awareness through intensified advanced training methods. The participants will be assessed and given a summary report with a coach's reflection for further improvement in the near future. 


Details of Summer Workshop

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